Line | Count | Source (jump to first uncovered line) |
1 | | // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
2 | | // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
3 | | // distributed with this work for additional information |
4 | | // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
5 | | // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
6 | | // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
7 | | // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
8 | | // |
9 | | // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
10 | | // |
11 | | // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
12 | | // software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
14 | | // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
15 | | // specific language governing permissions and limitations |
16 | | // under the License. |
17 | | // This file is copied from |
18 | | // https://github.com/apache/impala/blob/branch-2.9.0/be/src/util/pretty-printer.h |
19 | | // and modified by Doris |
20 | | |
21 | | #pragma once |
22 | | |
23 | | #include <gen_cpp/RuntimeProfile_types.h> |
24 | | |
25 | | #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> |
26 | | #include <cmath> |
27 | | #include <iomanip> |
28 | | #include <sstream> |
29 | | |
30 | | #include "util/binary_cast.hpp" |
31 | | #include "util/cpu_info.h" |
32 | | |
33 | | /// Truncate a double to offset decimal places. |
34 | 90 | #define DOUBLE_TRUNCATE(val, offset) floor(val* pow(10, offset)) / pow(10, offset) |
35 | | |
36 | | namespace doris { |
37 | | |
38 | | /// Methods for printing numeric values with optional units, or other types with an |
39 | | /// applicable operator<<. |
40 | | class PrettyPrinter { |
41 | | public: |
42 | 0 | static std::string print(bool value, TUnit::type ignored, bool verbose = false) { |
43 | 0 | std::stringstream ss; |
44 | 0 | ss << std::boolalpha << value; |
45 | 0 | return ss.str(); |
46 | 0 | } |
47 | | |
48 | | /// Prints the 'value' in a human friendly format depending on the data type. |
49 | | /// i.e. for bytes: 3145728 -> 3MB |
50 | | /// If verbose is true, this also prints the raw value (before unit conversion) for |
51 | | /// types where this is applicable. |
52 | | template <typename T> |
53 | | static typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, std::string>::type print( |
54 | 4.03k | T value, TUnit::type unit, bool verbose = false) { |
55 | 4.03k | std::stringstream ss; |
56 | 4.03k | ss.flags(std::ios::fixed); |
57 | 4.03k | switch (unit) { |
58 | 0 | case TUnit::NONE: { |
59 | | // TUnit::NONE is used as a special counter, it is just a label |
60 | | // - PeakMemoryUsage: |
61 | | // - BuildKeyArena: 0 |
62 | | // - ProbeKeyArena: 0 |
63 | | // So do not need output its value |
64 | 0 | return ss.str(); |
65 | 0 | } |
66 | | |
67 | 117 | case TUnit::UNIT: { |
68 | 117 | std::string unit; |
69 | 117 | double output = get_unit(value, &unit); |
70 | 117 | if (unit.empty()) { |
71 | 112 | ss << value; |
72 | 112 | } else { |
73 | 5 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << unit; |
74 | 5 | } |
75 | 117 | if (verbose) ss << " (" << value << ")"; |
76 | 117 | break; |
77 | 0 | } |
78 | | |
79 | 0 | case TUnit::UNIT_PER_SECOND: { |
80 | 0 | std::string unit; |
81 | 0 | double output = get_unit(value, &unit); |
82 | 0 | if (output == 0) { |
83 | 0 | ss << "0"; |
84 | 0 | } else { |
85 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " " << unit << "/sec"; |
86 | 0 | } |
87 | 0 | break; |
88 | 0 | } |
89 | | |
90 | 0 | case TUnit::CPU_TICKS: { |
91 | 0 | if (value < CpuInfo::cycles_per_ms()) { |
92 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << (value / 1000.) << "K clock cycles"; |
93 | 0 | } else { |
94 | 0 | value /= CpuInfo::cycles_per_ms(); |
95 | 0 | print_timems(value, &ss); |
96 | 0 | } |
97 | 0 | break; |
98 | 0 | } |
99 | | |
100 | 90 | case TUnit::TIME_NS: { |
101 | 90 | ss << std::setprecision(TIME_NS_PRECISION); |
102 | 90 | if (value >= BILLION) { |
103 | | /// If the time is over a second, print it up to ms. |
104 | 0 | value /= MILLION; |
105 | 0 | print_timems(value, &ss); |
106 | 90 | } else if (value >= MILLION) { |
107 | | /// if the time is over a ms, print it up to microsecond in the unit of ms. |
108 | 17 | ss << DOUBLE_TRUNCATE(static_cast<double>(value) / MILLION, TIME_NS_PRECISION) |
109 | 17 | << "ms"; |
110 | 73 | } else if (value > 1000) { |
111 | | /// if the time is over a microsecond, print it using unit microsecond |
112 | 14 | ss << DOUBLE_TRUNCATE(static_cast<double>(value) / 1000, TIME_NS_PRECISION) << "us"; |
113 | 59 | } else { |
114 | 59 | ss << DOUBLE_TRUNCATE(value, TIME_NS_PRECISION) << "ns"; |
115 | 59 | } |
116 | 90 | break; |
117 | 0 | } |
118 | | |
119 | 0 | case TUnit::TIME_MS: { |
120 | 0 | print_timems(value, &ss); |
121 | 0 | break; |
122 | 0 | } |
123 | | |
124 | 0 | case TUnit::TIME_S: { |
125 | 0 | print_timems(value * 1000, &ss); |
126 | 0 | break; |
127 | 0 | } |
128 | | |
129 | 3.83k | case TUnit::BYTES: { |
130 | 3.83k | std::string unit; |
131 | 3.83k | double output = get_byte_unit(value, &unit); |
132 | 3.83k | if (output == 0) { |
133 | 1.29k | ss << "0"; |
134 | 2.54k | } else { |
135 | 2.54k | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " " << unit; |
136 | 2.54k | if (verbose) ss << " (" << value << ")"; |
137 | 2.54k | } |
138 | 3.83k | break; |
139 | 0 | } |
140 | | |
141 | 0 | case TUnit::BYTES_PER_SECOND: { |
142 | 0 | std::string unit; |
143 | 0 | double output = get_byte_unit(value, &unit); |
144 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " " << unit << "/sec"; |
145 | 0 | break; |
146 | 0 | } |
147 | | |
148 | | /// TODO: Remove DOUBLE_VALUE. IMPALA-1649 |
149 | 0 | case TUnit::DOUBLE_VALUE: { |
150 | 0 | double output = binary_cast<T, double>(value); |
151 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " "; |
152 | 0 | break; |
153 | 0 | } |
154 | | |
155 | 0 | default: |
156 | 0 | DCHECK(false) << "Unsupported TUnit: " << value; |
157 | 0 | break; |
158 | 4.03k | } |
159 | 4.03k | return ss.str(); |
160 | 4.03k | } _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter5printIlEENSt9enable_ifIXsr3std13is_arithmeticIT_EE5valueENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEE4typeES3_NS_5TUnit4typeEb Line | Count | Source | 54 | 4.03k | T value, TUnit::type unit, bool verbose = false) { | 55 | 4.03k | std::stringstream ss; | 56 | 4.03k | ss.flags(std::ios::fixed); | 57 | 4.03k | switch (unit) { | 58 | 0 | case TUnit::NONE: { | 59 | | // TUnit::NONE is used as a special counter, it is just a label | 60 | | // - PeakMemoryUsage: | 61 | | // - BuildKeyArena: 0 | 62 | | // - ProbeKeyArena: 0 | 63 | | // So do not need output its value | 64 | 0 | return ss.str(); | 65 | 0 | } | 66 | | | 67 | 117 | case TUnit::UNIT: { | 68 | 117 | std::string unit; | 69 | 117 | double output = get_unit(value, &unit); | 70 | 117 | if (unit.empty()) { | 71 | 112 | ss << value; | 72 | 112 | } else { | 73 | 5 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << unit; | 74 | 5 | } | 75 | 117 | if (verbose) ss << " (" << value << ")"; | 76 | 117 | break; | 77 | 0 | } | 78 | | | 79 | 0 | case TUnit::UNIT_PER_SECOND: { | 80 | 0 | std::string unit; | 81 | 0 | double output = get_unit(value, &unit); | 82 | 0 | if (output == 0) { | 83 | 0 | ss << "0"; | 84 | 0 | } else { | 85 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " " << unit << "/sec"; | 86 | 0 | } | 87 | 0 | break; | 88 | 0 | } | 89 | | | 90 | 0 | case TUnit::CPU_TICKS: { | 91 | 0 | if (value < CpuInfo::cycles_per_ms()) { | 92 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << (value / 1000.) << "K clock cycles"; | 93 | 0 | } else { | 94 | 0 | value /= CpuInfo::cycles_per_ms(); | 95 | 0 | print_timems(value, &ss); | 96 | 0 | } | 97 | 0 | break; | 98 | 0 | } | 99 | | | 100 | 90 | case TUnit::TIME_NS: { | 101 | 90 | ss << std::setprecision(TIME_NS_PRECISION); | 102 | 90 | if (value >= BILLION) { | 103 | | /// If the time is over a second, print it up to ms. | 104 | 0 | value /= MILLION; | 105 | 0 | print_timems(value, &ss); | 106 | 90 | } else if (value >= MILLION) { | 107 | | /// if the time is over a ms, print it up to microsecond in the unit of ms. | 108 | 17 | ss << DOUBLE_TRUNCATE(static_cast<double>(value) / MILLION, TIME_NS_PRECISION) | 109 | 17 | << "ms"; | 110 | 73 | } else if (value > 1000) { | 111 | | /// if the time is over a microsecond, print it using unit microsecond | 112 | 14 | ss << DOUBLE_TRUNCATE(static_cast<double>(value) / 1000, TIME_NS_PRECISION) << "us"; | 113 | 59 | } else { | 114 | 59 | ss << DOUBLE_TRUNCATE(value, TIME_NS_PRECISION) << "ns"; | 115 | 59 | } | 116 | 90 | break; | 117 | 0 | } | 118 | | | 119 | 0 | case TUnit::TIME_MS: { | 120 | 0 | print_timems(value, &ss); | 121 | 0 | break; | 122 | 0 | } | 123 | | | 124 | 0 | case TUnit::TIME_S: { | 125 | 0 | print_timems(value * 1000, &ss); | 126 | 0 | break; | 127 | 0 | } | 128 | | | 129 | 3.83k | case TUnit::BYTES: { | 130 | 3.83k | std::string unit; | 131 | 3.83k | double output = get_byte_unit(value, &unit); | 132 | 3.83k | if (output == 0) { | 133 | 1.29k | ss << "0"; | 134 | 2.54k | } else { | 135 | 2.54k | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " " << unit; | 136 | 2.54k | if (verbose) ss << " (" << value << ")"; | 137 | 2.54k | } | 138 | 3.83k | break; | 139 | 0 | } | 140 | | | 141 | 0 | case TUnit::BYTES_PER_SECOND: { | 142 | 0 | std::string unit; | 143 | 0 | double output = get_byte_unit(value, &unit); | 144 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " " << unit << "/sec"; | 145 | 0 | break; | 146 | 0 | } | 147 | | | 148 | | /// TODO: Remove DOUBLE_VALUE. IMPALA-1649 | 149 | 0 | case TUnit::DOUBLE_VALUE: { | 150 | 0 | double output = binary_cast<T, double>(value); | 151 | 0 | ss << std::setprecision(PRECISION) << output << " "; | 152 | 0 | break; | 153 | 0 | } | 154 | | | 155 | 0 | default: | 156 | 0 | DCHECK(false) << "Unsupported TUnit: " << value; | 157 | 0 | break; | 158 | 4.03k | } | 159 | 4.03k | return ss.str(); | 160 | 4.03k | } |
Unexecuted instantiation: _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter5printImEENSt9enable_ifIXsr3std13is_arithmeticIT_EE5valueENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEE4typeES3_NS_5TUnit4typeEb |
161 | | |
162 | | /// For non-arithmetics, just write the value as a string and return it. |
163 | | // |
164 | | /// TODO: There's no good is_string equivalent, so there's a needless copy for strings |
165 | | /// here. |
166 | | template <typename T> |
167 | | static typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, std::string>::type print( |
168 | 1 | const T& value, TUnit::type unit) { |
169 | 1 | std::stringstream ss; |
170 | 1 | ss << std::boolalpha << value; |
171 | 1 | return ss.str(); |
172 | 1 | } |
173 | | |
174 | | /// Utility method to print an iterable type to a stringstream like [v1, v2, v3] |
175 | | template <typename I> |
176 | | static void print_stringList(const I& iterable, TUnit::type unit, std::stringstream* out) { |
177 | | std::vector<std::string> strings; |
178 | | for (typename I::const_iterator it = iterable.begin(); it != iterable.end(); ++it) { |
179 | | std::stringstream ss; |
180 | | ss << PrettyPrinter::print(*it, unit); |
181 | | strings.push_back(ss.str()); |
182 | | } |
183 | | |
184 | | (*out) << "[" << boost::algorithm::join(strings, ", ") << "]"; |
185 | | } |
186 | | |
187 | | /// Convenience method |
188 | 1.06k | static std::string print_bytes(int64_t value) { |
189 | 1.06k | return PrettyPrinter::print(value, TUnit::BYTES); |
190 | 1.06k | } |
191 | | |
192 | | private: |
193 | | static const int PRECISION = 2; |
194 | | static const int TIME_NS_PRECISION = 3; |
195 | | static const int64_t KILOBYTE = 1024; |
196 | | static const int64_t MEGABYTE = KILOBYTE * 1024; |
197 | | static const int64_t GIGABYTE = MEGABYTE * 1024; |
198 | | |
199 | | static const int64_t SECOND = 1000; |
200 | | static const int64_t MINUTE = SECOND * 60; |
201 | | static const int64_t HOUR = MINUTE * 60; |
202 | | |
203 | | static const int64_t THOUSAND = 1000; |
204 | | static const int64_t MILLION = THOUSAND * 1000; |
205 | | static const int64_t BILLION = MILLION * 1000; |
206 | | |
207 | | template <typename T> |
208 | 3.83k | static double get_byte_unit(T value, std::string* unit) { |
209 | 3.83k | if (value == 0) { |
210 | 1.29k | *unit = ""; |
211 | 1.29k | return value; |
212 | 2.54k | } else if (value >= GIGABYTE) { |
213 | 153 | *unit = "GB"; |
214 | 153 | return value / (double)GIGABYTE; |
215 | 2.38k | } else if (value >= MEGABYTE) { |
216 | 2.05k | *unit = "MB"; |
217 | 2.05k | return value / (double)MEGABYTE; |
218 | 2.05k | } else if (value >= KILOBYTE) { |
219 | 317 | *unit = "KB"; |
220 | 317 | return value / (double)KILOBYTE; |
221 | 317 | } else { |
222 | 17 | *unit = "B"; |
223 | 17 | return value; |
224 | 17 | } |
225 | 3.83k | } _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter13get_byte_unitIlEEdT_PNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE Line | Count | Source | 208 | 3.83k | static double get_byte_unit(T value, std::string* unit) { | 209 | 3.83k | if (value == 0) { | 210 | 1.29k | *unit = ""; | 211 | 1.29k | return value; | 212 | 2.54k | } else if (value >= GIGABYTE) { | 213 | 153 | *unit = "GB"; | 214 | 153 | return value / (double)GIGABYTE; | 215 | 2.38k | } else if (value >= MEGABYTE) { | 216 | 2.05k | *unit = "MB"; | 217 | 2.05k | return value / (double)MEGABYTE; | 218 | 2.05k | } else if (value >= KILOBYTE) { | 219 | 317 | *unit = "KB"; | 220 | 317 | return value / (double)KILOBYTE; | 221 | 317 | } else { | 222 | 17 | *unit = "B"; | 223 | 17 | return value; | 224 | 17 | } | 225 | 3.83k | } |
Unexecuted instantiation: _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter13get_byte_unitImEEdT_PNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE |
226 | | |
227 | | template <typename T> |
228 | 117 | static double get_unit(T value, std::string* unit) { |
229 | 117 | if (value >= BILLION) { |
230 | 0 | *unit = "B"; |
231 | 0 | return value / (1. * BILLION); |
232 | 117 | } else if (value >= MILLION) { |
233 | 5 | *unit = "M"; |
234 | 5 | return value / (1. * MILLION); |
235 | 112 | } else if (value >= THOUSAND) { |
236 | 0 | *unit = "K"; |
237 | 0 | return value / (1. * THOUSAND); |
238 | 112 | } else { |
239 | 112 | *unit = ""; |
240 | 112 | return value; |
241 | 112 | } |
242 | 117 | } _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter8get_unitIlEEdT_PNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE Line | Count | Source | 228 | 117 | static double get_unit(T value, std::string* unit) { | 229 | 117 | if (value >= BILLION) { | 230 | 0 | *unit = "B"; | 231 | 0 | return value / (1. * BILLION); | 232 | 117 | } else if (value >= MILLION) { | 233 | 5 | *unit = "M"; | 234 | 5 | return value / (1. * MILLION); | 235 | 112 | } else if (value >= THOUSAND) { | 236 | 0 | *unit = "K"; | 237 | 0 | return value / (1. * THOUSAND); | 238 | 112 | } else { | 239 | 112 | *unit = ""; | 240 | 112 | return value; | 241 | 112 | } | 242 | 117 | } |
Unexecuted instantiation: _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter8get_unitImEEdT_PNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE |
243 | | |
244 | | /// Utility to perform integer modulo if T is integral, otherwise to use fmod(). |
245 | | template <typename T> |
246 | | static typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::is_integral<T>::value, int64_t>::type mod( |
247 | 0 | const T& value, const int modulus) { |
248 | 0 | return value % modulus; |
249 | 0 | } Unexecuted instantiation: _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter3modIlEEN5boost11enable_if_cIXsr5boost11is_integralIT_EE5valueElE4typeERKS4_i Unexecuted instantiation: _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter3modImEEN5boost11enable_if_cIXsr5boost11is_integralIT_EE5valueElE4typeERKS4_i |
250 | | |
251 | | template <typename T> |
252 | | static typename boost::enable_if_c<!boost::is_integral<T>::value, double>::type mod( |
253 | | const T& value, int modulus) { |
254 | | return fmod(value, 1. * modulus); |
255 | | } |
256 | | |
257 | | /// Print the value (time in ms) to ss |
258 | | template <typename T> |
259 | 0 | static void print_timems(T value, std::stringstream* ss) { |
260 | 0 | DCHECK_GE(value, static_cast<T>(0)); |
261 | 0 | if (value == 0) { |
262 | 0 | *ss << "0"; |
263 | 0 | } else { |
264 | 0 | bool hour = false; |
265 | 0 | bool minute = false; |
266 | 0 | bool second = false; |
267 | 0 | if (value >= HOUR) { |
268 | 0 | *ss << static_cast<int64_t>(value / HOUR) << "h"; |
269 | 0 | value = mod(value, HOUR); |
270 | 0 | hour = true; |
271 | 0 | } |
272 | 0 | if (value >= MINUTE) { |
273 | 0 | *ss << static_cast<int64_t>(value / MINUTE) << "m"; |
274 | 0 | value = mod(value, MINUTE); |
275 | 0 | minute = true; |
276 | 0 | } |
277 | 0 | if (!hour && value >= SECOND) { |
278 | 0 | *ss << static_cast<int64_t>(value / SECOND) << "s"; |
279 | 0 | value = mod(value, SECOND); |
280 | 0 | second = true; |
281 | 0 | } |
282 | 0 | if (!hour && !minute) { |
283 | 0 | if (second) *ss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0'); |
284 | 0 | *ss << static_cast<int64_t>(value) << "ms"; |
285 | 0 | } |
286 | 0 | } |
287 | 0 | } Unexecuted instantiation: _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter12print_timemsIlEEvT_PNSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE Unexecuted instantiation: _ZN5doris13PrettyPrinter12print_timemsImEEvT_PNSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE |
288 | | }; |
289 | | |
290 | | } // namespace doris |